Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Modes that were used to create custom machinima.

The mode or modes that were used to create machinima documentary in the 2 videos were the use of fraps. In which capture the rotating, walking around and zooming and gathering other useful shoots to gain the knowledge of porosity which is being conveyed. Once the initial idea of shoots had been gathered vagas was used to further precede the idea of porosity. In vagas the tools used help to enable a better understanding of how and the force of what was being portrayed allowing ones imagination to take further part of consequence of explosions. Rad video tools were then used to shrink the video to a suitable sizing for you tube. The benefits of such tools have helped to produce a short clip of porosity through the images used and the angles in which the clip can be viewed, allowing the on lookers to further their imagination of what is taking place.

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